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Grow your saas userbase
3x in just minutes

Easily integrate a referral program into your saas
project and turn your customers into advocates.

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Everything you need for high-performing referral

Turn your customers into active referrals by automatically inviting them to promote you.

Effortless Referral Tracking
Refir simplifies referral tracking with an intuitive system, providing real-time updates on referral activities. Focus on nurturing valuable connections.
Analytics and Insights
Gain a competitive edge with real-time analytics, offering insights into your referral program's performance. Track trends, measure success, and adapt on the fly.
Customizable Referral Programs
Tailor programs to your brand's identity and goals. Create personalized referral experiences for higher engagement and conversions.
Seamless Integration with Your System
Refir integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, reducing disruptions and enhancing your operations. No need for a complete overhaul.

Easy to Integrate

All it takes is just a single HTTP request. We offer a variety of SDKs and integrations with popular tools to make integration even easier.

Explore our docs
Refir Integrations

How it works

Easy integration

Our developer friendly APIs and libraries offer a plug and play experience when add Refir to your application. In just 4 steps you can start a referral program to your application.

API configuration
Create an account and get an API key, then use our API or libraries to configure Refir in your application.
Add a user and get referral code
Start adding users when they onboard in your application to Refir and get their unique referral codes.
Setup a webhook
Set up a webhook that will received notifications when a new refer is made successfully. Add the link for your endpoint on the dasboard
Track referrals and get insights on the dashboard
const Refir = require("refir");

const refir = new Refir();
refir.configure({ apiKey: "your-api-key" });

const user = {
  userId: "unique-user-id",
  name: "John Doe",
  email: "johndoe@example.com",

const success = await refir.addUser(user);

if (success) {
  console.log("User added successfully.");
} else {
  console.error("Failed to add user.");

For Founders and Developers

With our plug and play integreation, It is easy for anyone to integrate

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Harness the Strength of Referrals to Expand Your Reach and Increase Revenue.

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